29 Jan 2021




Below is the 10-step guide with the associated cost that works:

Step 1a – Take the quiz or assessment to find out if you are eligible.
Cost: FREE.
The quiz is simple and you can do it by yourself on this website here

If you have not done a language test before, give yourself a hypothetical test score and fill out your other information. I recommend that you give yourself a test score lower than what you think you may get so you can gauge the amount of room you have to play around with.

Step 1b – Find out what your work NOC is.
This is important because you can only claim work history in one NOC, which means that if you’ve jumped around from job description to job description, you will need to choose the one that you have the longest number of consistent years of work. It is okay if you’ve changed jobs, but as long as your jobs have all been in one NOC, they count. Find your NOC here. 
Note: National Occupational Classification (NOC) is a system that classifies jobs (occupations). Jobs are grouped based on the type of job duties, work a person does e.g.; Skill Level A: professional jobs that usually call for a degree from a university, such as doctors, dentists, architects, etc.

Step 2 – Register for the language test – IELTS General, etc
Cost: 282 USD or 360 CAD (Confirm with your local test administrator) You can check that with us if you are in Ghana. At the time of putting up this article, the cost is 1640 cedis.
Time Required: 2 weeks to 3 months
If you are eligible based on the quiz above, the next step is to register for the language test. Everyone applying for Canadian PR has to take a language test to show proficiency in either French or English. You get bonus points if you can prove both. It is recommended that you give yourself enough time to prepare for the language test. For most people, this is the only thing you have in your control. Your age isn’t going to change, your work history won’t change much and you may need a few years to get an additional degree. Find out how you can join our classes here.

Step 3 – Prepare your documents for WES evaluation.
Cost: from 230 USD or 305 CAD
Time Required: 2 months
Use the time for the IELTS preparation to also prepare your credential evaluation, so you can save time. Everyone who goes to school outside of Canada must go through this process. The Canadian IRCC has a list of certified organizations that can verify your degree and equate it with a Canadian one. The list of organizations can be found here. The most popular one is the WES.

This is the process:
1. Register an account with WES here. https://wes.org/
2. Fill out a profile and provide information about your degree(s).
Make sure every detail is correct and you cross-check a couple of times.
3. Pay the evaluation fee of 220 CAD and the courier fee of 85 CAD (for them to ship your evaluation back to you). I recommend you pay the 85 CAD courier fee instead of the 7 CAD regular postage fee so that when your evaluation is returned, it is returned speedily and securely and doesn’t get stuck in the local post system.
4. You will receive a unique WES Number as soon as you pay. Use this number to request the transcript.
Note: When you put in all your degree details, the WES system will automatically pull out the documents you are required to be sent to them for verification.

Step 4 – Take your IELTS Test & Get Results.
Time Required: 7 to 13 Days
Your speaking test will be on a different date from your writing, reading, and listening tests. Give the test your best shot and pick up your results a week or two later.

Step 5 – Create an Online Express Entry Profile.
Now that you have your WES evaluation report and your language test results, you are ready to create an Express Entry Profile.
Use http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp to find out what your exact CRS Score will be. This time, you have the actual information and you can tell what your exact score will be. You don’t know what the cut-off score will be but you can check what the cut-off for the last draw was (the week or two weeks before you check) https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/submit-profile/rounds-invitations.html (that way, you have an idea whether you stand a high chance in the pool or not). This profile will close within 60 days of opening it if you do not submit it, so try to complete it as soon as you can. You will be asked about personal information, work history, test scores, degree details, etc. All these details will add up to give you a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) Score. Make sure you are truthful and consistent. As soon as you complete and cross-check your Express Entry profile, go ahead and submit it. At this stage, you have officially joined the Express Entry Pool.

Step 6 – Wait for an Invitation to Apply (ITA)
Time Required: 1 Day to Indefinite
Every two weeks, a draw is made from the pool of submitted Express Entry profiles. This draw is done to offer ITAs to candidates. An ITA basically says “you can now begin the official application process for PR”. The exact cut-off score is determined by the number of selections the committee plans to choose from that draw. For example, if they need 3,500 selections from that draw, they pick the highest 3,500 candidates in the pool on that date and the 3500th person’s score becomes the cut-off score. If there is a tie for the 3500th person, they use factors like date and time of submission to break the tie. Just as a guideline, the cut-off scores for January and February 2019 were as follows: 449 (Jan 9), 443 (Jan 23), and 438 (Jan 30). See the full list of cut-off scores here; https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/submit-profile/rounds-invitations/results-previous.html If you are one of the top candidates, you can receive an ITA in the next draw from when you submit your profile. Technically, if you submit your profile today and the draw is tomorrow, you can get an ITA in one day. However, if your score falls short, you can stay in the pull and keep doing other things to improve your score. See a detailed explanation on ways to improve your score while you’re in the Express Entry pool (https://www.immigration.ca/boosting-score-canada-express-entry-immigration-system. After 12 months, if you don’t get selected from the pool, it will expire and you will have to create a new one.

Step 7 – Apply for Canadian Permanent Residency.
Cost: 785 USD or 1,040 CAD per adult applicant.
113 USD or 150 CAD per dependent children.
Time Required: 6 months.
Now that you have been invited to apply, you will need to prepare your application and submit all your documents. It is important to note that your fee of 1,040 CAD is split into 550 CAD application fee and 490 CAD rights to permanent residence fee. If you do not successfully get PR, the 490 CAD will be refunded to you. You only have 60 days to complete this application. Documents Required:

Application Fee (see above)
Test Results
Academic Verification Report
Digital Photographs
Medical Examination – every country has an approved list of panel physicians who can provide a medical examination.
Police Certificates – if you have lived in a country for more than 6 months in a row, within the last 10 years, you have to include police reports from each of those countries (including your home country, where you currently live). The cost of obtaining a police certificate will differ based on where you live and where you are requesting one from.
Passport Biodata Page
Reference or Experience Work Letter – your former and current employers listed on your Express Entry Profile must all provide letters to prove your work history with them.
Proof of Funds – you must provide a letter from your bank vouching for the availability of funds required for relocation. These are the amount required for relocation: a) Family Member (you alone): 12,669 CAD b) 2 Family Members: 15,772 CAD c) 3 Family Members: 19,390 CAD d) 4 Family Members: 23,542 CAD e) 5 Family Members: 26,701 CAD f) 6 Family Members: 30,114 CAD g) 7 Family Members: 33,528 CAD h) For each additional family member: 3,414 CAD
Other Documents – depending on whether you have children, you are divorced, married, and so on, there is a host of other documents required including name change certificate, birth certificate of the child(ren), marriage certificate, etc.

Once you have all your complete documents, you will be able to fill out your application on the portal and upload scanned copies of all your documents. Make sure you follow the guidelines for clarity, size, and resolution of all documents.

Step 8 – Biometrics
At some point, you may be called to submit your biometrics at a local embassy or VFS.

Step 9 – Wait and live your life
According to the IRCC, 80% of all applicants receive a response within 6 months. While you wait, just go about your business and from time to time you can log into your profile to check what stage your application has reached. For some people, it comes in 2 months and for others, it takes 6 months. It doesn’t matter, just keep living your life.

Step 10 – Receive a PPR – Passport Request email – Ready for Visa
Once you get this letter, you can send in your passports. Your PR approval will also come with a deadline when you have to enter Canada or else your PR will be invalidated. This is usually between 6 months to 1 year from the approval.

For further guidance, get in touch with EDICONSULT

WhatsApp/Call: +233509128799

Email: ediconsultgh@gmail.com


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