vitae (CV) provides a summary of your experience and skills. Typically,
CVs for entry-level candidates are longer than resumes—at least two or three
pages. CVs for mid-level candidates who have amassed numerous publications tend
to run much longer.
CVs include extensive information on your academic background, including teaching experience, degrees, research, awards, publications, presentations, and other achievements. CVs are lengthier than resumes and include more information, particularly details related to one’s academic and research background. A curriculum vitae summary is a one-to-two-page, condensed version of the full curriculum vitae. A CV summary is a way to quickly and concisely convey one’s skills and qualifications. Sometimes large organizations will initially ask for a one-page CV summary when they expect a large pool of applicants.
A resume provides
a summary of your education, work history, credentials, and other
accomplishments and skills.
are also optional sections, including a resume objective and
a career summary statement. A resume should be as concise as possible.
Typically, a resume is one page long, although sometimes it can be as long
as two pages. Resumes often include bulleted lists to keep information
concise. Resumes come in a few types, including chronological, functional,
and combination formats. Select a format that best fits the type of job
you are applying for
Career Objective - When you start your CV off with a
Career Objective, it shifts the focus away from what YOU can do / why they
should hire you / what problem you can solve. Most career objectives are
generic and only provide the reader with what YOU are seeking or looking for.
"Seeking a role that will enable me to utilize my skills within a growing
company". Sound familiar? Do not make the intro about what you want, but
rather what makes you the best candidate in relation to the role you're
applying for. The only time I would include a Career Objective is when you're
making a career pivot.
Personal Information - This includes your Home Address, ID
Number, number of dependents, health information, date of birth, marital
status, religion, etc. What else am I missing?
Photo. Unless a huge part of you getting the job, is
dependent on your looks, then leave this off. Recruiters, like everyone else,
have inherent biases, and you don't want to be in a position where the focus is drawn
on your appearance, rather than your actual skills, experience, etc.
Additional documents. DO NOT combine any documents such as
your certificates, copy of your ID to your CV. Your CV should be a file on its
own. If the job application requests the documents to be sent, then attach them
as separate files.
Buzzwords. These are words that, as a result of being
over-used, have now lost their impact. Words/phrases such as,
"hard-working, "motivated", "punctual", "diligent”.
Imagine when Hiring Managers/recruiters have to scan through dozens of CVs,
and every candidate claims to be a "hard-working and motivated
individual"? It does nothing to help you stand out from other candidates.
Graphics such as logos, charts, and tables. These might be
great for a human to look at, but not for the robot (ATS) that needs to
initially scan your CV when you've applied online. These kinds of graphics are
unreadable to the ATS (depending on which ATS it is). The file will look like it
got corrupted with random characters everywhere and that’s what a recruiter
will see if they find your CV in the system.
Unnecessary fluff. Your CV does not need a cover page and
it doesn't need the title, "Curriculum Vitae of...". Recruiters spend
less than 6 seconds reviewing each CV. You’ve got 6 seconds to show them that
it’s worth their time to continue reading. Get to the point!
Long paragraphs. These will make your CV hard to read.
Your intro summary should be 2 - 3 sentences MAX. Your responsibilities should
always be in bullet point form. And please, DO NOT copy all that text from your
cover letter and include it on your CV.
Social media links. Unless it's a link to your LinkedIn
profile, other social media channels you include should be done so with the
purpose of showcasing your skills and professional abilities that align with
the role you're applying for.
References, this is a preference more than anything, so to
each his own. However, I would recommend not including these if you've gathered
quite a number of references over a long career span. Some references might be
great to specifically speak on or your sales skills, for example, whilst others
can speak directly to your skills as a Supervisor, so, not including them gives
you time to choose which references you'd like to pass along for each role.
Your life story. Your resume should not resemble a
Wikipedia page, with details of every single thing you've done throughout your
existence. Essentially, it should resemble the landing page of a website. Your
Unique Value Proposition should be clearly articulated (on the 1st page) it
should follow a clear, readable structure. Succinct, straight to the point. I
struggle a lot with my entry-level clients who, mostly because of lack of
experience, think they have nothing to offer. Everyone has something to offer.
Everyone has value to add. Everyone has something they can bring to the table.
E-mail address from your current employer. It really is
unprofessional, and more than that, leads the recruiter / Hiring Manager to
believe that you apply for jobs during company time.13. "Responsible
for" in the duties section. It sounds passive. It sounds like you did the
bare minimum, and not at all like someone who drove impact within their
previous roles.
Salary information. (Current/Expected salary). #1 rule of
negotiation: First person to give away their number usually loses. An interview
is a much better opportunity to demonstrate your value and attach a number to
Inconsistent formatting. Make sure the spacing between
paragraphs and the font size for the body and headings are the same throughout.
If you've made some headings bold, make sure this is also consistent throughout
the document.
"Criminal Record - None”. It’s not like they'll take
your word for it. They're still required to run checks. (sorry I had to, but
this my absolute favorite one. I think I'll end the list there for now. I see
some questions asking if some of these small details actually matter. In a
competitive job market, even a small mistake on your CV can be the difference
between an interview and a reject file.