31 Dec 2020

How To Secure Fully Funded International Scholarship By Yourself In 2021


One of the first step towards achieving this goal is to have the right information and procedures. You're a step ahead of some people. The truth is you can do it yourself with the right knowledge and other factors.

We found out that so many people that come to us do not have the finances for going abroad, so we suggest going for studies through scholarship, but most of these people too do not know the procedures for scholarship and admission application. So that is the reason for this article. Scholarship abound. It's present in uncountable countries and comes in different forms.

Many scholarship opportunities exist for masters and PhD including Bachelors.  They come in several ways; many of them are not termed scholarship. They can come in form of Graduate Research assistantships, Graduate Teaching assistantships, Program level scholarships, School level scholarships and scholarships from external bodies and organizations. To begin this journey, you need to get the list of schools, not just any school but schools that are DLI(s). Choose a program from the program list, check if it’s research or coursed based and the requirements. Make sure your grades meet the minimum GPA of the program and courses that can go for that program (Msc/PhD). You also need an experience (internships, volunteer, and work) in that particular program. Those going for PhD need to make sure they have published papers. It is not usually compulsory for Msc but if you have any, it’s a plus! In this journey, you need to be very patient and consistent. You may get many negative replies especially when contacting faculty members but you should not give up till you achieve your goal.

Scholarships comes in different forms and sometimes require different criteria. Some require very good grades, some require community or volunteer experience, leadership experience too, some require research experience and internships. There are also need based scholarships, including scholarships for a particular country or zone. It depends on the one you want to go for. But in general, make sure your grades are good, publish your undergraduate thesis if you can. Attend conferences, go for internships, have good relationships with your professors because you'll need them as referees.


Mindset is one of the things that affect your scholarship or admission. So many people feel they can gain admission and scholarship by telling how poor their families are and how they need help to improve their conditions. Many scholarships aren’t given on pity unless they’re need-based.

In this context, we are going to look at two types of mindsets and the one you should adopt as an applicant. We have the Expatriate and Immigrant mindsets  An expat is someone that works outside of his or her country for a period of time. Expats or Expatriates feel that they go to other places to add value.

 Immigrants are people who move to a foreign country to live permanently, let's say those in search of greener pastures. But in reality, Expat is given to people with western origins. Africans and Asians are considered Immigrants no matter their status and class. Don’t let that affect your mindset because same way westerners feel that they migrate to add value to a particular place, is the same way you are going to add value to them. Therefore, you need to adopt an expatriate mindset.

Why you should have an expatriate mindset 

Application fee is a contribution to Canada / UK/ US/ Germany/ Australia  or any other country you wish to go to.  You add value to them even before going. Teaching assistance, research assistance and dissertation etc are contributions to the school. The fact that you have something to offer makes you an expatriate. Remember that your mindset can affect your essay writing and interviews.

This is for those whose grades are low.

If your grade is low and you're thinking of giving up, please don't give up, there are things you need to know: Grade is not the only factor that determines an admission or a  scholarship. There are many other things that the admission committee look out for aside grade.

These are your documents especially personal statement or statement of purpose, recommendation letters. Grade accounts for only 20% of the criteria, recommendation letters account for only 10% and your documents account for 70%.  

Therefore, if you have a good grade without good document and stellar personal statement or statement of purpose, you might not be admitted. Also, you may have a low grade but with stellar personal statement, and recommendation letters you could get admission and scholarship. Again, something in your essay can grab the attention of the admission committee or a professor. So if you have a low grade, you shouldn't give up because meeting the required GPA does not guarantee admission.

What’s your obstacle in this journey? 

 Money :Little or no money can hinder you from applying and other things and sometimes you may have your money but can't still apply. To tackle this problem, you need to plan ahead and save up for your application fees, you can talk to people to help you out too. However, there are some schools that don’t accept self-funding; this can be a problem if you really don’t want to wait for a scholarship. Search well to know about a school and program of interest.

 Marriage/relationships:  Some people may not want to put their marriages and relationships at risk and are scared of applying so as not to lose their spouse or partner. You can go with your spouse, kids and common-law partner if the visa officers approve. That is why you need to convince them that your family will not overstay and you will also show financial support or proof of funds to cater for them. The proof of funds can be in your name, family member or a close friend. If approved, your spouse or common-law partner will be given an open work permit and your kids who are minors are entitled to attend their public schools.


To have a successful application and good news at the end, you need to plan meticulously by:

Giving yourself some time for preparation: 

Application portals for example in Canadian Universities or some Universities in some other countries open September(for Fall semester) each year and some October. Fall is mainly the time some  schools accept International students and as an international student, you need to apply 8-12 months prior to the Fall semester to enable the admission panel review your documents and take their decisions. Another reason is to have enough time to prepare yourself for your migration and your study permit. In order to apply on time, you need few months to prepare especially if your documents are not handy.

 When is the right time to start? 

If you want to apply by September, you can start researching by May. You use this month to familiarize yourself with the website( school, department), the requirements, scholarships etc and start pulling the paperwork together for application.  By June, you make sure all the documents are ready. As soon as the documents are ready, you can start contacting supervisors if your program requires it through email. Some may want you to attach your CV and transcript when sending the mail.

You'll need recommendation letters from either your previous professors, or work supervisors. With their busy schedules in mind, you have to let them know they'll speak on your behalf on time. So you start all these by July. By August, you work on your essays, be it personal statement, letter of intent, statement of purpose etc. These essays confuse people a lot. You need to make sure you know the differences and the formats for writing them.

By September, you're aware of the requirements, tuition, gotten your documents, application start date, deadlines and contacted your referees. If all the requirements are ready and have seen the start date, you can apply immediately the portal opens in order to be among the first set of persons because admission/scholarship are very competitive and so many people are qualified.  Some deadlines are March, but make sure you don't apply very close the deadline.

Takeaway :

Admission and scholarships are very competitive and there are thousands who apply for them. Also, many people are qualified not just you. A good planning will go a long way in helping your success. Plan meticulously and be an early bird.


Application components are very crucial parts of an application which if not meticulously planned can deny an applicant admission. They are one of the first things you look out for in a school's website or program's website.

The following are required for application and admission process for graduate studies:

1. Application fee: This varies in schools and it is a non-profit refundable fee which you pay when submitting your application. Make sure to check a school's application fee before applying. But, application fee is waived for some countries that are among the world's 50 least developed countries e.g Ethiopia, Nepal, Uganda etc.

2. Transcripts/ Academic records: Applicants must provide copies of academic records of all post secondary institutions they attended. Some schools demand for unofficial transcript which is the one you upload during application and some official. Official because, it's been sent from your university straight to the one you want to apply to in a sealed envelope and endorsed by the Registrar or through a secure electronic delivery by the issuing institution.

3. Letters of reference:  Recommendation letters or reports must be sent by your referees. A form is sent to your referees from the school to write about you and send back to them. You won't see what they write so it's best you choose people who know you very well and have your interest at heart.  This can stop you from getting admission because if your referees decide to write something bad or something generic, your admission will not be granted. Referees are very important and shouldn't be taken for granted. Make sure he/ she has an institutional email.

4. English Proficiency Exam(if required):  Most schools in Canada/UK/US etc exempt some African countries whose official language is English,  from English Proficiency test and its stated that if your language of instruction in the school you attended is English, you don't need to write an English Proficiency test but you'll provide an evidence.

5. Statement of Interest or Purpose and Personal statement 

These confuse applicants a lot. 

Statement of interest may also be called "statement of intent" which is simply a description of your research interests. You need to tell them your interest or goal and how your past education and experiences deem you fit for the graduate program. While Personal Statement gives the admission committee a glimpse into a candidate's personality. It combines specific, self reflective anecdotes with details about past experiences( internships, volunteer experiences)

6. Academic CV:  This is what you need to sell yourself aside your PS and SOI or SOP. Make sure it's updated.

7. Supervisors: Supervisors are faculty members who mentor grad students in their research. Many thesis- based programs expect students to identify a faculty member who will mentor them prior to application. If you have the consent of him or her you have a high chance of getting admitted.

8. Supplementary Information such as GMAT, GRE, research proposal etc may be required by a particular program.

 Types of admission 

1. Unconditional admission:  This is granted when an applicant meets all admission requirements and all final official documentation has been received. If an applicant with a bachelor's degree or its equivalent does not meet the requirements above, but have significant formal training and relevant professional experience to offset such deficiencies, may be granted admission on recommendation of an appropriate graduate program or faculty member.

2. Conditional admission: 

This contains condition(s) that must be met before ab offer can be considered final. Condition like provision of official transcript( sent directly from your school to them).  Admission won't be finalized till the university received and validates required official documentation which substantiates scanned documents previously submitted.


1. Make sure your meet a program's requirements before applying. If you don't, look for the ones you meet theirs.

2. When building your CV or your PS, do not plagiaries, write yours especially PS, it's personal. 


 1. Proper School Search :

You ought to know how to search for scholarships and all the information you need. You can miss a scholarship or admission due to lack of information.

Make sure you search well on a website before contacting the program's coordinator or graduate coordinator in order not to leave a wrong impression when especially when asking a question that's already on the school's website. Some scholarships are advertised online while some can be found on a school's website or program's website.  You should also know the type of school( university or college, DLI or not), type of program and types of scholarships.

2. Choice of Program:  Don't just go for a program you know nothing about because you feel it's good and trending. Go for a program related to your undergraduate program or a program you have a professional training on. The reason is because you may not be able to defend that program if called for an interview. This got someone's visa denied because he couldn't explain a simple term from the program he applied for. You may not know where your question can come from.

Also, if your undergraduate program isn't related to your program of choice in masters, it can get your application rejected.

3. Scholarship application: 

You're the right person to do the scholarship application, because it'll help you during interviews. When you do your school/ program search by yourself, you'll be familiar with so many things on the website. Someone got a rejection during interview because he misplaced the ranking of his university of choice, he said the university is among the first 3 top ranked that's why he chose it. But that was not true and they assumed he doesn't even know the school very well. Assuming you want to fund your studies, when you do your search, you'll know the schools with low and high tuition, you'll also know if they expect you to get a supervisor prior to application and so.

4. Contacting a program coordinator/ supervisor: Make sure you use a professional email address e.g first name. lastname @ gmail.com: James.Mensah @ gmail.com. Don't ask a question that it's answer is already on the website.

5. Seek out the less competitive scholarships: Less competitive scholarships are less competitive not because they're not good but most are partially funded. Some cover only tuition, instead of missing out on all, it's better you secure the partial scholarship and seek help from people. You can use your admission letter or your partial offer to source for funds.

6. Consistency and patience: You need to be patient and consistent in pursuing your dream of studying abroad, scholarship or admission may not come when you expect it and the more you apply, the higher your chances. Someone said he got 15 rejections and almost gave up but when it was his turn to shine, he got two at once. Another person wrote up to 300 supervisors for two good years and today he got a scholarship in one of the best universities in the world. There were many disappoints behind the success of such people. So don't give up if yours don't come easily. 

7. When writing your essay or letters to supervisors 

Make sure your interest aligns with theirs and don't write pitiful essays thinking that it would get you a position, because scholarship isn't given on pity unless it's those ones that they award to candidates who show strong financial constraints. Let them feel that you have something to offer them, that you're not a liability. They want someone who can offer them something and they in turn offer you something which is Scholarship.

For further guidance, get in touch with EDICONSULT
WhatsApp: +233509128799
Email : ediconsultgh@gmail.com

10 Things Every Young Person Should Know


Life is a school from which you only graduate when you die. The greatest certificate you will get out of life is one they collect on your behalf and that is a death certificate.

1.    Read Books

Read extensively. Don't limit yourself to your course of study. A reader is a leader and you're the sum total of the books you have read. Read about philosophy. Read about motivation. Read about leadership. Read biographies of others.

Peter J. Daniels said his life was changed after he read 2,000 biographies. Read about the arts and geography. John D. Rockefeller once said people can take all his wealth but they should leave his books but within 3 years, he'll make all the wealth back again.

Your life will be shaped by the books you have read. When you read, you develop your mind. Your mind is a terrible thing to waste. Read for about 2-3 hours everyday. You have all the time now.

2.       Ask Questions

Don't be afraid to ask questions. We don't know everything and neither do you. We all know in part. People who change the world ask questions. They don't flow with the status quo.

Inventing any new thing starts with asking questions: why? How? Where? When? What? The man who invented the aircraft asked questions. The man who invented the vaccine for tuberculosis asked questions.

Thomas Edison asked several questions before he could come up with the light bulb.

Don't be afraid to ask hard questions. Query things you don't understand. 

Modern societies are built on asking questions and seeking answers.

3.         Be Yourself

Don't copy others. Be yourself. When you copy others, the best you can be is a photocopy.

There are too many fake people out there- don't increase the number. Be genuine.

Don't be bothered about peer pressure or what others think about you. It is your life. Don't live it according to the opinion of others. It is your opinion that matters. 

Don't please others to displease yourself.

4.       Surround Yourself With Who You Want To Become

Choose your circle of friends and association carefully. Show me your friend and I will tell you who you will become. Iron sharpens iron and a man sharpens the countenance of his friends.

You are a reflection of your five closest friends. Look at those who surround you: what are their values? Who are their role models? What do they like? Be careful who you associate with.

5.       Have A Role Model

There must be someone you look up to. There must be someone who fires you up or inspires you.

Life cannot be lived in isolation. Be careful of the man who is self made and has no role model. Having a role model doesn't mean you hero-worship.

It doesn't mean you adopt everything about them. Take the values you love out of their lives and adapt. Role models are not flawless. They are also human.

6.         Don't Do Drugs

Run away from drugs. Drugs affect your mental health. Once you start, it's easy to get addicted. It becomes a life long battle except God helps you.

Substance abuse will mess you up and destroy your life. Avoid codeine, marijuana, weed, crack, hashish, ecstasy, angel dust, cocaine, heroine, etc.

7.           Be Ready To Admit You Were Wrong

No one knows it all so there will be times you need to admit your ignorance.

Be open minded. Say I was wrong- it's a magical word. Don't be arrogant. Many people carry on in the arrogance of their ignorance.

8.         Work On Your Communication Skills

Know how to write a letter. It's one of the greatest skills you will ever need. Know how to write proper text messages. You need these skills to stay ahead of the crowd. Watch your punctuation and spelling.

Learn how to speak and listen. They are life skills that will help you.

9.           Have Clear Cut Goals In Life

Ask yourself who you want to be in life.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 10 years? In 20 years? 

What kind of life do you want to live? Write your goals down very clearly and pursue them.

10.           Remember God

No matter your level of achievement, remember there is the Divine.

Don't be too busy for God.

The spiritual controls the physical and is even more real than the physical.

Spend time to pray. Spend time in communion with God. Let your spiritual values guide your work ethics and your life.

At the end of the day, life is vanity upon vanity.

Eccl 12:13: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments. For this is the whole duty of man.

Credit: Bayo Adeyinka

The Five Ironclad Rules of Negotiation


Use these five rules or they will be used against you. 

I LOVE negotiating. 

Yes, I am that guy. I will negotiate just for fun. 

Often, I just want to see what I can make happen. 

Negotiating is like a game to me. 

You never know what you can get until you try. 

So try. 

1. Negotiate from Strength

Begin on solid ground. No debt. Have a pile of cash. 

You never want to negotiate when you are desperate.


When you work from a position of strength you will be able to make offers that are non-negotiable. 

This is the most important rule. 

1b. Negotiate from Strength

Pros can smell when you are hungry. 

They are trained to exploit weak people.


Come into every negotiation strong. You must play it cool or your emotions will be used against you.

It’s that simple. 

2. They Make the First Offer

I NEVER make the first offer. 

Often sellers will be so desperate they will box themselves into a low position even before we begin. 

Always let the other person begin the negotiation. 

They may low-ball themselves out of the gate. 

2b. THEY Make the First Offer

I won big on a brand new house this way. 

I went to so many different builders I finally found one that was sufficiently hungry. 

Without even working I was able to lower their asking price by over $100,000. I happened to find the right seller.

3. Use silence to your advantage

I have spoken about this before. The most underrated negotiating tactic is to remain silent. 

When presented with a weak offer just sit there. 

People naturally hate silence. Let them squirm.

They often flinch. That is what you want. 

3b. Use silence to your advantage

I went to purchase a house in the middle of the Great Recession. I followed Rules 1 and 2. I had my cash ready. Then the builder came at me with a poor offer.


I literally sat in his office completely still. 

Tension. Silence. I did nothing. 

3c. Use silence to your advantage

After 30 minutes the builder picked up his paper. 

He took 20% off of his initial offer. 

Just like that.

I literally did nothing and saved myself tens of thousands of dollars. Pretty cool. 

4. Leverage your target against other targets

Children play parents against each other. 

This is the same kind of thinking. Rarely do I purchase anything without working multiple targets. 

4b. Leverage your target against other targets

Be direct. Tell them you found lower prices elsewhere.

Your target will be forced to counter.

Try to get that new price in writing.

Then go back and forth ad nauseam between targets selling the same product. Exploit high supply. 

5. Good cop, Bad cop. 

This is mostly a counter tactic.  

When facing off against a two-negotiator team, you may find that one person is reasonable and the other is tough. 

This is a classic move. 

Just recognize they are working together. 

Do not fall for their tricks. 

5b. Good cop, Bad cop. 


There is a clever way for YOU to employ this strategy. 

It works if you are solo. 

The key is to have an imaginary BAD cop. 

It works like a charm. If you are negotiating just pretend that someone else has your hands tied. 

5c. Good cop, Bad cop

EX: Your wife (not there) will not let you spend 25K. You set a budget. She will kill you if you go over 25K.

Make up a story.

Act like an imaginary person is holding you back.

The beauty: The seller cannot work THAT person over.

They don’t exist. Sneaky

Leadership Reflection : How To Live Forever


One of the greatest abilities of exceptional leaders is their capacity to build for the future. A true leader always thinks tomorrow even though he lives today. The present is too little to contain the exceptional leader.

His realities may be in the present but his sight is set on the future. That is why he is always a step ahead of others. He doesn't live in today- he lives in tomorrow. People can't stop talking about them because of how they lived in tomorrow for tomorrow.


If your actions are just for the present, your memory will not endure. That is why it is easy to forget so many leaders.

At a time when free education was not practiced anywhere in Africa, Obafemi Awolowo made it a policy for his government. Even when he was resisted and a campaign of calumny went on against him, the gains of the future nudged him on.

His action propelled his people into greatness and catapulted them into future benefits they still reap till today

He saw the power of football and how the sport can unite the nation and he built the first stadium in Africa even when Nigeria was not yet known as a football-loving nation and had not won any laurel in the sport.

He built a 25-storey skyscraper when nothing of such existed in Africa as a testament to industry.

If you don't want to be forgotten, you must constantly live for tomorrow. Your policies and actions must be geared at the future. The roads you build must take into cognizance 100 years from now. You must build dual carriage ways when there are only a few cars to ply them now.

Build airports that will accommodate serious air traffic even when you're not yet a major tourism destination or hub.

Anticipate a future problem and solve it now. Don't only solve today's problem today. That's just one step above mediocrity. Solve tomorrow's problem today. That's exceptional leadership. There will always be new problems in the future.


When you see them ahead and solve them now, you begin to write your memory into the hearts of your people. Some of them may not accept you now but it is inevitable that they will accept you in the future and build monuments to your memory.

Leaders who see tomorrow don't die today. They live forever. Henry Ford saw that the future did not lie in movement by horses. His motor car invention has made him live forever. No matter the modification and models of the car, the idea remains the same

Orville and Wilbur Wright saw that speed will be important to the human race in the future. Their airplane invention has stood the test of time.

This is a major problem in Africa. Africans can only see today. That is why corruption and poverty are so endemic. That is why we build narrow roads that become obsolete in just a few years. That is why we construct buildings that collapse.

That is why we often have mediocre leadership. They steal today because they can't see tomorrow. They engage in massive corruption because they only live for the present. The man who lives for tomorrow doesn't only think about himself- he thinks about others.

He knows his actions today will affect countless others tomorrow. If a nation lacks leaders who are unable to see the future and take concrete steps to live in that future, such a nation is usually tied to the past. This is a major reason Africa is far behind the Western world

Credit: Bayo Adeyinka

Nothing Works Until You Work Hard


Hard work works.

I am totally mystified when I talk to young people about working hard and they reply that it's about working SMART, not working HARD. I fundamentally disagree.

You can work hard strategically but hard work is not negotiable. I have been lucky and blessed but I can also say that I have also worked harder than many of the people I grew up with. I agree that you can work really hard at a bad business model and make no progress but I don't believe it is possible to make any progress without hard work.

In 2002, I worked in Ikeja but stayed in Ajah with my sister. That's 5hrs a day in public transportation to and fro work. I got home at 10pm every night and worked on a book project till 1am before starting the next day at 5am for 6 months. That book bought my first car. 2008, I was studying for a PhD and would work 10 to 12 hours every day.

One professor asked me why I was working so hard. I replied, "I am a black African who speaks with an accent. I have to be twice as good to compete with a White American. That work made me an Assistant Professor before 30.

2010, I started studying for the GRE so that I could leave academia to transition to corporate work via an MBA at Oxford. It meant another 4 - 5 hours of GMAT prep time after work. That hard work got me into Oxford and back into the corporate world.

2014, I was the Managing Director of a major firm in Nigeria. I was 34 and I outworked everybody until we grew the firm 200% (3X) in 3 years. EBITDA in 2016 when I left was 3X EBITDA in 2013 before I joined. 

Hard work works.

2017, I started studying tech in a bid to make the next transition. I was the CEO of a business billing $100million a year and I spent hours after work studying HTML/CSS/Python.

Now I lead a tech business and we are in the process of building Africa's premier tech incubator. This nonsense about smart work is just deceptive. 

You have to work hard strategically. That means thinking smartly about models and trends while putting in the time and effort to move your life forward. You need to be smart but nothing good happens until you work hard.

Dear young people,

Everyone who tells you that you don't have to work hard is lying and trying to destroy your destiny.

Nothing works until someone works hard. Let that hard worker be you. Outwork everyone else in that "shitty" job and watch life itself fight for you. 


Credit : Dr Tayo Oyedeji




Earning a master’s degree in USA is a top goal for many international students. Many top universities in USA require prospective students to take the GRE exam besides IELTS or TOEFL. But Students from non-technical background find GRE a tough nut to crack. So most of the students nowadays are looking for schools that don’t require GRE. It’s also worth noting that several students choose Canada and Australia instead of USA just to avoid taking GRE. But USA is still the top choice for most of the people due to the presence of the highest number of ranked schools.

GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is a standardized test conducted by ETS ( Educational Testing Services). This exam is conducted in order to check the aptitude of aspiring students who want to study masters/Ph.D. in USA. Most of the top Universities in USA require GRE scores. They waive GRE scores only in cases of exceptional GPA, work experience, and some excellent undergraduate research projects.


In addition to the documents such as the effective Statement Of Purpose (SOP), Letter Of Recommendations (LORs), English proficiency test scores, US Universities still, ask for GRE scores. Besides serving as screening criteria in the admission process, GRE scores also ensure that students enrolling in the Master’s programs possess the critical and analytical reasoning ability required to meet the academic rigor of the graduate programs.

Considering the students’ requirements, most of the universities are providing some programs without the GRE exam. But its the student decision to choose the best university among the most popular, mediocre and least popular Universities in USA without GRE. Select the best program which will help to secure OPT(Optional Practical Training) and job offers after graduation.


      1. University of Florida – While for most of the arts programs at this University are offered without GRE but for some it is necessary.
      2. Boston University – Boston University offers Masters in business analytics and Master of Science in Computer Information Systems without GRE, while some programs may request for GRE official scores directly to the University.
      3. University of Pittsburgh – This popular university ranks high in the list of schools that don’t require GRE.
      4. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
      5. George Mason University – This is one of the top Universities in USA which offers master’s programs in health informatics systems and civil engineering without GRE. While other programs require GRE.
      6. Washington State University – This University offers few MS programs without GRE but for some programs, it is mandatory to submit the scores.
      7. Park University
      8. University of Cincinnati – International students can study MS in Computer Science without GRE but should be accredited from ABET accredited University or equivalent accreditation and have GPA of 3.0 have the chance to attend the University of Cincinnati.
      9. University of North Texas – This University offers MS in Data Science without GRE. But for some other programs, GRE is required.
      10. The University of Oklahoma – Most of the programs at the University of Oklahoma are presented without GRE.
      11. Northeastern University, Boston – MBA and its equivalent programs require GMAT. All the other programs are available without GRE.
      12. San Jose State University – Programs in the fields of Biomedicals, anthropology, economics, public administration, maths, civil, science education, etc are presented without GRE.
      13. Florida International University – Except for the Master of Science programs in computer science, cybersecurity, information technology, telecommunications & networking, all the remaining master’s programs are provided without GRE score and is not waived under any circumstances.
      14. Oklahoma State University – This University offers Masters in biosystems & agricultural engineering without GRE. While all the other programs at Oklahoma State University demand for GRE scores.
      15. Kansas State University
      16. University of Idaho – GRE is mandatory for most of the programs at the University of Idaho but it offers master programs in geology, computer science, architecture, material science & engineering, mathematics, philosophy, metallurgy, biological engineering, etc without GRE.
      17. New Mexico State University
      18. California State University, Sacramento – California State University – Sacramento offers master programs in Arts, chemistry, child development, civil engineering, geology, kinesiology, marine science, mathematics, mechanical engineering, music, tourism programs without GRE.
      19. Pace University, New York City – This University offers MS programs without GRE.
      20. University of Dayton
      21. Villanova University – This University offers MS in Electrical Engineering without GRE besides considering GRE for some other programs.
      22. Sonoma State University – This California University is one of the popular schools that don’t require GRE or GMAT.
      23. Rowan University
      24. Wichita State University – Most of the programs at Wichita State University are offered considering GRE scores but offers MS in chemistry, computer networks, electrical & computer engineering and biomedical university without GRE.
      25. Stevens Institute of Technology
      26. DeVry University
      27. University of the Pacific – University of the Pacific offers some other programs considering GRE but offers MS in Data Science without GRE.
      28. Fairleigh Dickinson University – All the major graduate programs are offered considering either GRE or GMAT. But offers some programs such as Masters in clinical mental health counseling, communications, English, hospitality, public administration without GRE.
      29. Johnson & Wales University
      30. University of New Haven
      31. West Texas A&M University
      32. Southeast Missouri State University
      33. National University
      34. New England College – New England College offers all graduate programs without GRE requirements. Popular programs include Master of Science in Computer Information Systems and Master of science in Health Informatics.
      35. Harrisburg University of Science and Technology – Harrisburg University offers Master of Science in Biotechnology without GRE. All other Masters programs are also offered without GRE requirements.
      36. California State University, Channel Islands – California State University, Channel Islands offers Masters in Computer Science without GRE, while some other programs may require GRE.
      37. Northeastern Illinois University
      38. Colorado Technical University
      39. University of Bridgeport – University of Bridgeport considers GRE. But it offers MS in Computer Science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and technology management programs without GRE.
      40. Lewis University
      41. Jacksonville State University – Besides some other programs, University of Idaho offers few programs such as MS in Computer Science without GRE.
      42. University of Central Missouri – This University offers Masters in Computer Science without GRE but some other programs consider GRE scores for application evaluation.
      43. Oklahoma City University – It offers masters in accounting and its relevant fields without GRE.
      44. National Louis University
      45. Alliant International University
      46. Point Park University
      47. Ecpi University
      48. Missouri Western State University
      49. City University of Seattle
      50. Concordia University Texas
      51. Rivier University
      52. Monroe College
      53. Notre Dame de Namur University
      54. Adler University, Chicago Campus
      55. Trine University
      56. Fisher College
      57. Marymount California University
      58. Westcliff University
      59. Virginia International University
      60. International Technological University
      61. Montclair University
      62. Stratford University
      63. IGlobal University
      64. Stevens Henager College
      65. Pace University, Westchester – GMAT is required for accounting, finance related programs. All the remaining master’s programs are offered without GRE.

    30 Dec 2020

    You Can Migrate To Canada In 2021 Via The Following Routes


    From 2020 to 2023, Canada will welcome more than one million new immigrants! There are many pathways to immigrate to Canada and secure Canadian permanent residence.

    1. Express Entry
    Immigrate as a skilled worker

    2. Family sponsorship
    Sponsor your relatives, including your spouse, partner, children, parents, grandparents, and others to immigrate

    3.Provincial nominees
    Immigrate by being nominated by a Canadian province or territory

    4. Study
    Study in Canada and be eligible for a postgraduate work permit.

    5.Atlantic Immigration Pilot
    Immigrate by by graduating from a school or working in the provinces of Atlantic Canada.

    6. Caregivers
    Immigrate by providing care for children, the elderly or those with medical needs, or work as a live-in caregiver

    7. Start-Up Visa
    Immigrate by starting a business and creating jobs in Canada

    Immigrate as a self-employed person in cultural or athletic activities or entertainment

    9. Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot
    Smaller Canadian communities supporting their local economy through immigration.

    10. Agri-Food Pilot
    Immigrate by working in specific agri-food industries and occupations

    11 Refugees
    Immigrate as a refugee or become a sponsor

    Read more about the process 

    Contact EdiConsult for guidance : 
    Email : ediconsultgh@gmail.com  
    Whatsapp/ Call : +233509128799

    5 Ways To Make Yourself MORE HIREABLE (INTERVIEWS )


    From the moment that you set foot into the interview, you are being judged. 

    1: Dress like you care. 

    I've interviewed people in t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers. Instant rejection. 

    Overdressing is ALWAYS better than underdressing. 

    Dress appropriate, but err on the side of formality. 

    2: Tailored resume. 

    Anything longer than two pages is TOO LONG (for most jobs). 

    Customize it. Tailor it for each and every opportunity. 

    Remove skills that don't apply. Re-order skills to prioritize what they are looking for. 

    Simple, effective. 

    3: Know your resume!

    Be prepared to talk about everything on your resume. 

    When I did hiring, I always asked about unrelated skills on resumes.  If the candidate couldn't answer, their ENTIRE resume was in question. 

    I don't hire dishonest people.

    4: You don't switch companies too often. 

    It's true, switching jobs is a GREAT way to boost your salary. But if you do it too much, it looks bad. 

    If you move every year, you're killing your chances of good job opportunities. 

    5: Smile. 

    Part of a job interview is for personality. Organizations want happy people in their offices. 

    Smile during your interview. Laugh when appropriate. 

    Be a sociable, easy-to-talk-to person and your hireability increases drastically.

    15 Jan 2020

    54 Full Scholarship opportunities for undergraduates, Masters and PhD's

    Brenda Okorogba

    University of Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarships

     100% fee remission and up to $110,000

     All study areas taught at the uni.

    600 scholarships

    Masters/MPhil Doctoral (Ph.D.)

    You need to apply for admission first

    Next Deadline: 31st Oct 2020
    Graduate Research Scholarships
    Melbourne Research Scholarships (MRS) and Research Training Program Scholarships (RTPS) for domestic and international research students.

    FULLY-FUNDED Schwarzman Scholars Program

    Master's Degree 


    Tuition Fees
    Room and board
    Health Insurance
    Travel to and from Beijing 
    A stipend of $4,000

    The application period will be open between April 2020 and September 2020
    Application - Schwarzman Scholars
    A call for future leaders Interested candidates participate in a rigorous and thorough selection process, designed to identify the most promising young leaders from around the world. Those selected...

    The Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships are provided by the Australian government to support both domestic and international students.

    While applications are open all year round, it is recommended that you submit your HDR admission by October.
    Australian Government Research Training Program scholarships
    Find out if you're eligible for a Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship and gain the financial freedom you need to complete your research.

    Innopolis University offers scholarships covering up to 100% of the tuition fees and monthly allowance.

    F.A.Q. for international participants.

    Classes are taught in English.

    Internships in renowned IT companies

    WorldQuant University is offering a tuition-free  Data Science program 

    100% online

    Apply if you are interested.

    Still have questions?
     Visit our FAQ.https://buff.ly/321xpOS

    Next Deadlines:

    April 13, 2020

    July 06, 2020

    September 28, 2020
    WorldQuant University | Tuition-Free Financial Engineering MSc
    WorldQuant University is a not-for-profit advancing global education through an instructor-guided, tuition-free MSc program.

    Swinburne University Postgraduate Research Awards (SUPRAs)

    Eligible courses: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Professional Doctorate

    Annual stipend $27,596 (indexed) for three years (with possible 6 month extension)



    Chinese Government Scholarship - Chinese University Program 2020/2021 for International Students

     Masters & PhD scholarships for international students to study at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).

     Deadline: 29th February 2020


    Business and Economics Bursary & Scholarships at Loughborough University

    100% funding

    If you’re planning on studying a taught programme which belongs to our School of Business and Economics you may be eligible for one of our bursaries or scholarships.

    Development Trust Africa Scholarships at Loughborough University 

    Full fee scholarships may be available to new full-time international taught postgraduate students from Africa. 

    The deadline for applications is 30 April 2020.


    The University of Adelaide offers a number of Adelaide Scholarships International 

    Masters or Doctorate degree by research.

     Awards are available in all Discipline areas.

    Major Round 2021: Applications opens today 14 January 2020 


    Engineering Masters Pathway Scholarship at Monash Universty
     Master of Advanced Engineering pathway program. 

    Up to 50 scholarships valued at up to $32,000

    Apply for admission
    Engineering Masters Pathway Scholarship

    HSE University

    National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) announced scholarships for international students to study for free at their University.

     The deadline for submission of all supporting documents is August 14, 2020.

    . 2020 USQ Subcontinent International Tuition Fee Scholarship (Postgraduate)


    Closing date: 13 Nov 2020

    To support new International students from the Subcontinent commencing on-campus study in Postgraduate programs at USQ


    2020 USQ Subcontinent International Tuition Fee Scholarship (Nursing)

    Nursing and Allied Health


    Closing date: 17 Jul 2020


    2020 USQ Subcontinent International Tuition Fee Scholarship (Undergraduate)

    Apply for admission first

    Closing date: 17 Jul 2020


    Incoming Study Abroad International Travel Grant

    Postgraduate, Undergraduate

    Closing date: 10 Jul 2020

    To support International students commencing the Study Abroad progam at USQ


    USQ Dementia Research PhD Scholarship

    Education and Teaching, Nursing and Allied Health, Arts and Humanities, Sciences and Engineering


    Closing date: 28 Feb 2020


    Destination Australia Scholarship (International Students)

    Undergraduate, Postgraduate

    Closing date: 02 Feb 2020
    Each scholarship will have a maximum value of:

    A$15 000, or


    The scholarship will be paid per annum


    Wellcome Master’s Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine

    Masters/PhD Degree

    Application deadline

    14 April 2020, 17:00 BST

    The fellowship is worth £120,000 including salary, studentship stipend, fees and research expenses.
    International Master’s Fellowships
    Offering nationals of low- and middle-income countries the opportunity to receive training at Master’s degree level.

    Undergraduate & Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships at UNSW Sydney Australia

    Scholarships for local and international students, including high school leavers, other future students and current UNSW students.


    Funding Your Graduate Education, University of Alberta, Canada

    University of Alberta has a wide array of awards, scholarships and prizes to assist in funding your graduate studies. 


    University of Waterloo Canada

    Graduate Admission Link


    Graduate Scholarship Link


    Additional Information for International Students (Graduate)https://uwaterloo.ca/discover-graduate-studies/international-students

    University of Calgary Canada

    Graduate Admission Link


    Graduate Scholarship Link


    Additional Information for International Students (Graduate)


    York University Canada

     Graduate Admissions

    York University Scholarships (Graduate)
    International Students
    Gateway to the Faculty of Graduate Studies at York - a globally recognized research university in Canada with 60+ graduate degree programs.

    Carelton University Canada

    Graduete Scholarships Link (Research and Teaching Assistantship. Some supervisors might offer monthly stipend based on the amount of funding they have).


    Graduate Admission link

    University of Helsinki

    Scholarships are intended for excellent students from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland who want to complete a Master's programme at the University of Helsinki.
    Scholarship Programme | University of Helsinki
    The scholarships are intended for master's programme students from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland

    Boston University

    Scholarships, grants, loans, and student employment are all considered financial aid. Typically, applicants are offered a financial aid package consisting of a combination of awards from various types of aid programs.


    Illinois State University International Awards 

    Illinois State offers tuition waivers, merit awards and graduate assistantships to incoming international students.

    Scholarships are also available to graduate students  http://grad.illinoisstate.edu/funding/fellowships/

    New York University Wagner International Scholarships 

     Scholarships are available for students to study at NYU Wagner Graduate School.


    Purdue University

    Students are encouraged to check fellowship opportunities, including internal fellowships https://purdue.edu/gradschool/funding/types-of-funding/fellowships/Outside-Fellowships.html and external fellowships https://purdue.edu/gradschool/funding/types-of-funding/fellowships/student-direct-apply-fellowships.html 

    and graduate assistantships https://purdue.edu/gradschool/funding/types-of-funding/assistantships.html  to significantly help defer the cost.

    University of Ottawa

    Graduate Admission Link

    Graduate Scholarship Link

    Additional Information for International Students (Graduate)
    Programs and Admission

    University of Montreal

    Graduate Admission Link

    Graduate Scholarship Link

    Additional Information for International Students


    McGill University

    Graduate Admission Link

    Graduate Scholarship Link

    Additional Information for International Students (Graduate)
    International graduate students
    McGill is Canada’s most international university, and certainly one of North America’s With the highest percentage of international students among Canada’s top research universities, faculty members

    Australian National University Scholarships

    Interested international students should visit the Scholarship Database to see all the scholarship opportunities that are available for them. You can filter the scholarship by study area, colleges, etc.
    Build your future, and let us help. With a range of scholarship opportunities catering to students from a variety of backgrounds and abilities, ANU is here to support you.

    University of British Columbia 

    Graduate Admission Link

    Graduate Scholarship Link

    Learn about everything that our academic faculties have to offer at the UBC Vancouver campus.

    Charles Darwin University

    International student scholarships

    We offer an exciting and generous range of scholarships to support international students coming to study at CDU from around the globe. 

    Application Deadline: Varies


    Oglethorpe University

    All international students are automatically evaluated for merit awards up to $21,000. After admission, students can complete the International Student Financial Aid Form to be eligible for additional need-based aid.
    Scholarships & Financial Aid - Oglethorpe University
    International Student Scholarships & Financial Aid All international students are automatically evaluated for merit awards up to $21,000. After admission, students can complete the International...

    University of Chicago

    Offers merit scholarships to international students which are partial-tuition scholarships that may be a single lump-sum award, or a renewable annual award. International Student Financial Aid Application (ISFAA) also available.
    International Financial Aid

    Tulane University

    All applicants are automatically considered for partial tuition merit scholarships. Tulane also awards several full-tuition, total-cost, service.


    and http://admission.tulane.edu/tuition-aid/merit-scholarships

    Fordham University

    Fordham University commits significant funds to support scholarships. Awards are made on a competitive basis taking into consideration academic and performance profiles, leadership, and other factors.

    and https://fordham.edu/info/21251/fordham_scholarships_and_grants/8283/international_student_scholarships

    California Institute of Technology 

    In general, most graduate students at Caltech receive full funding for their graduate education. In fact, approximately 99% of doctoral students have full financial support.  http://gradoffice.caltech.edu/financialsupport

    Auburn University 

    Graduate Tuition Fellowship, a graduate student must meet the above criteria and the criteria outlined on the Graduate Tuition Fellowship Web page.
    Guidelines for Graduate Assistantships - Graduate School

    Western University - University of Western Ontario 

    We offer competitive funding support packages to allow graduate students to focus on their research and their development.

    Doctoral $32,858
    Master's $23,202 (based on average funding)


    University of Guelph 

    There are numerous opportunities to apply for scholarships and various awards. Make sure you take the time to review your possibilities. A minimum stipend of $17,500.00 for all doctoral students for a period of three years.

    The University of Adelaide is committed to providing educational opportunities for international students. We offer a range of scholarships to international students who wish to undertake undergraduate and postgraduate coursework study.



    They include financial support for students from diverse backgrounds, rewards for academic excellence and funding for research students.
    US Financial Aid

    University of New South Wales

    A wide range of scholarships is available for international students.

    James Cook University. 

    You will find that some are offered through JCU and some are external scholarships available to you through other organisations.  It is up to you to inquire directly with the scholarship body if you require more information.
    Scholarships and Grants
    There are numerous scholarships and grants available to international students applying to study at JCU. Scholarships include grants, subsidies and bursaries.

    Full Time MBA Scholarships

    ESADE awards several scholarships during the admissions process.

    The application process for scholarships opens in October, 2020
    Full Time MBA Scholarships

    University of Warwick COSARAF Scholarship

    Open to Muslim applicants

    MA Islamic Education : Theory and Practice in October 2020.

    The award will be £10,000 contribution towards tuition fees and living expenses.

    Deadline: 1st June 2020


    University of Warwick Winston Scholarship

    Open to all applicants starting the MA Drama and Theatre Education in October 2020. The award will contribute up to £10,000 towards tuition fees (both home & Overseas).

    Deadline: 1st June 2020


    University of Warwick Excellence Scholarship

    Open to all applicants for an MA in Education Studies starting October 2020. The award will contribute towards tuition fees for Overseas students.

    Deadline: 1st June 2020


    The Feuer International Scholarships in AI 

    Full MPhil/PhD tuition fees for 3 years 

    Stipend at UKRI rate plus a top up of £2,000 per annum (£15,009 + £2,000 in 2019/20)

    Support for travel, equipment and research

    Closing Date: 31 January 2020


    Full credit by Brenda Okorogba and compiled by Twum Nelson  follow her on twitter : @MomentsWithBren  for more of these opportunities. Hey don't forget to follow me too xD @Kojo_TN

    For further guidance, get in touch with EDICONSULT

    WhatsApp/Call: +233509128799

    Email: ediconsultgh@gmail.com
